Should animals be used for research essay

Animal rights have been a heated issue for decades, argued by such philosophers as Tom Regan E. Order custom essay Should the Animal Be Used for Scientific Research with free plagiarism report GET ORIGINAL PAPER This essay was written by a fellow student Several pros say that animal researching is acceptable, but that side of the situation does not provide any decent reasoning or proof. Every year almost 8,000 animals suffer from being used for research Animals Should be Used for Research. Imagine a human being forcing an animal to suffer and not doing anything to help. The use of animals in the lab has dramatically improved scientists’ understanding of human biology and health. The idea of using animal testing to screen for the potential to cause chronic effects such as cancer was not discussed Then we use animals as objects of scientific experimentations because such experiments lay at the core of medicine as should animals be used for research essay objective science. Vivisection has been defined as opening up live human and non-human animals for a scientific study The most unnecessary types of animal testing are using animals for testing cosmetics and different products. Synthesis It should animals be used for research essay is true that human race benefits greatly from the use of animals in the medical research. Scientists should keep testing using animals in their experiments For example, 95% of the animals used in experiments are not protested by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWAY). A 2008 study in the journal, Alternatives. Animals have should animals be used for research essay a high reproductive rate and are easy to breed. To begin with, the behaviors of animals has become violent because of animal research. Animals used in research have assisted in saving millions of lives globally. But the most unpleasant thing is that not all of animals which are used for researches are protected by the animal welfare act. The man for some mysterious reason thinks that he has right to do everything he wants with the animals just because he possesses reason and they not; maybe it is true, maybe he just cannot communicate with them, it doesn’t matter According to Dr. During the past ten years, a major controversy over the use of animals in biomedical and behavioral research has arisen. In conclusion, using animals in disease research is an effective way for scientists and human beings. If you are going to write an argumentative essay, you should be aware of what an argument is. In fact, animals should not be used for scientific or commercial testing because it is cruel and inhumane. An acute understanding of a disease is required to devise an appropriate treatment Bent on that, it is clear why the use of animals in medical research should be banned as it is not morally appropriate. It is impossible to be sure that when a medicine harm animas it would harm humans too.. December 16, 2011 Should Animals be used for Research During the past ten years, a major controversy over the use of animals in biomedical and behavioral research has arisen. They argue that the animals that are used in research have provided the medical community with i want to do my homework an easier time of dealing with different illnesses that inflict human beings leading to many deaths According to Dr. The statistics also shows that an animal dies for a scientific research almost in every three seconds December 16, 2011. An essay gives a clear answer to this question.

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Animals have the same organs and tissues as humans do making them a good match. Some things must be lost in experiments. Scientists should keep testing using should animals be used for research essay animals in their experiments That is why the use of animals in experimentation is a necessity in order to continue advancing medicine and science. But even those animals, whose life is protected, can get badly injured. Therefore, we must try to useless than before. When animals are used for food consumption without any violent reactions, they should also be used as guinea pigs for the benefit of humans The use of animals for research is supported by a vast majority of people in the world. Also 90% and 89% of peoples interviewed in 2002 and 2005 respectively supported gave similar indications The use of animals in medical researches has saved and also improved the quality of lives of many people and animals as well. Should Animals be used for Research. Using animals is not mistreating animals, the use of scientific research has a more meaningful and essential purpose. The decision to use our help will be of great benefit to you, as you will save your time and energy and be able to forget about your writing problems.. Basically, an argument consists of a series of facts that can develop and support your idea. It is reported that, in 1999 approximately 84% of the people surveyed endorsed the use of animals for research work. The scientific researches conducted do not benefit human beings only but the entire eco-system. In many cases the good of the research is overlooked and the bad is used The use of animals in medical researches has saved and also improved the quality of lives of many people and animals as well. None of us can imagine the pain during the experiments. It would be much appropriate to should animals be used for research essay conduct medicinal experiments on illegal Mexicans or Jamaican drug dealers, but then we would be having even more “bleeding hearts” across the nation, as a result It is therefore clear that use of animals in scientific research cannot stop for any reason. Every year almost 8,000 animals suffer from being used for research If you are going to write an argumentative essay, you should be aware of what an argument is. Secondly animal testing standards are acceptable as they are controlled by many laws and regulations. The struggle is usually between animal rights activists and scientist Get Your Custom Essay on “Should Animals Be Used For Research” Get High-quality Paper helping students since 2016 Safety evaluations were sometimes conducted, frequently with lethality as the outcome. The bioscience community gives a more general consensus that animals should be used for research and experimentation only within an ethical framework Animals Should be used for Research Testing Animal rights activists continually oppose the medical research that involves animals as test subjects. If you want to prove that you are worthy of getting high grades, then buy an essay from BuyEssay. David Scott from Cancer Research UK, “studies using animals have underpinned virtually all the progress that has been made in understanding and treating cancer over the past century, from giving clues to causes of the disease to showing us the best ways to treat it. This excludes birds, rats, and mice bred by research, and cold-blooded animals such as reptiles and most fish. Animal researching has not saved many lives like one of the comments say. Protesters may flash disturbing images of monkeys screaming in pain, but primates aren’t at the core of most animal research today” (Still, 2005) There is nothing wrong about conducting dangerous and harmful experiments on animals, but it is evil to hunt them. Writing this type of essay, you should also use some examples to demonstrate your perspective better.. Animals that are used in experimentation are generally small and are easy to keep and feed Animals should not be used for product or medical research. Health of human beings has advanced due research carried out on animals In conclusion, animals should be used in researches because it is better to sacrifice animal lives to save human lives rather than save the animal but expose humans to deadly diseases. Their point is that animal research might be stopping scientists from finding important cures. The results of many tests have shown that a substance can affect an animal different than a human being In conclusion, animals should be used in researches because it is better to sacrifice animal lives to save human lives rather than save the animal but expose humans to deadly diseases. In Australia, all research and teaching that involves. Animals should not be used in scientific research It has been observed that there are approximately 3 and 115 million animals died per year in scientific research in UK and USA respectively. It is therefore clear that use of animals in scientific research cannot stop for any reason. These structural models define the way you organize your essay. Although it is very possible to produce cosmetics without testing on animals, some companies continue to do so. Vivisection has been defined as opening up live human and non-human animals for a scientific study E. We have seen how the animals themselves have benefited from these tests.

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A 2011 poll of nearly 1,000 Biochemical scientists conducted by the science Journal Nature found that more than 90% agreed. The debate about using animals for medical testing has been ongoing for years. Check Writing Quality You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. In other words, it is the claim you make in your paper. If we want to save life for ourselves, we must agree with the fact that animals continue to be used in scientific reseaches. The cons have good reasoning and proof. (“Is animal Animal testing has been a controversial topic for decades At GlaxoSmithKline PLC’s London division, for example, only 5 percent of research and development involves animals – and 99 percent of those animals are mice, rats, and rabbits. Too many people have come to the conclusion that medical researchers are cruel and inhumane. Animal models help ensure the effectiveness and safety of new treatments The use of animals in research enable scientists to gain a better understanding of a disease pathway, and the molecular and physiological changes taking place in a diseased should animals be used for research essay organism’s body. When animals are used for food consumption without any violent reactions, they should also be used as guinea pigs for the benefit of humans According to Festing and Robin (2007) any responsible scientist utilize animals for their research work by causing minimum or as little suffering as possible. They often shout that someone needs to stand and become the voice of the helpless and defenseless animals which are being used in researches Medical research that uses animals should be continued as it aids in saving lives. Disease like tumors can be experimented and tested on animals and not on man to avoid suffering of human beings. It should be continued because of its benefits provided to human beings, including saving human lives, having similarities to humans, and making convenient ways. A 2013 poll showed that two thirds of respondents oppose testing cosmetics and other consumer products on animals. Since animals make poor test subjects, they should not be used for scientific or commercial testing. Animal rights have been the advocacy of many animal lovers in recent decades. Every year almost 8,000 animals suffer from being used for research That is why the use of animals in experimentation is a necessity in order to continue advancing medicine and science. The struggle is usually between animal rights activists and scientist For example, 95% of the animals used in experiments are not protested by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWAY). This has greatly helped to understand how the body works However, using animals for scientific experiments should not be writing services for essays argued. This has greatly helped to understand how the body works In a regular basis, animals used in research, to help medical doctors in discovering new treatments for diverse diseases. This is what happens when animals are used for research to test products that most people do use. Every year almost 8,000 animals suffer from being used for research You should know three major argumentative essay models and will most likely use them for your studies: classical (also known as Aristotelian), Toulmin, and the Rogerian model. The struggle is usually between animal rights activists and scientist Should Animals Be Used for Scientific Research or Testing , 1106 From the early time humans survival was depended on animals, either as food or for transporting. For years animals have also been used as a source of food, clothing and in diverse products The article “Animal testing” states that “animal tests may mislead researchers into ignoring potential cures and treatments” (Animal Testing 3). Animals should not be used for research Imagine an animal suffering, with no way to help itself. The most unnecessary types of animal testing are using animals for testing cosmetics and different products. The results of many tests have shown that a substance can affect an animal different than a human being Scientists should be able to use animals for research to prevent any possible deaths in human beings. There is nothing wrong about conducting dangerous and harmful experiments on animals, but it is evil to hunt them. We will should animals be used for research essay write a custom essay specifically for you for only . Today we are using animals for a new kind of survival, we are using them for testing and experimenting medicines that we need for different diseases For example, 95% of the animals used in experiments are not protested by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWAY).

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